Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Terror Preparedness Tips

Or just some recycled emails.

These are coming courtesy PNN, a local satire site that I enjoy taking a look at once in a while.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blogging was light because . . .

. . . I've been having prioblems with my ISP.

I usually blog at night after my girlfriend, who I love more than anything else in the world, gets off her IM platform and goes to bed. We both prefer IM to talkin' on the phone, but that's another story for another day.

Anyways, Friday, Sunday, and Monday nights my internet service was slowed to the point where it was bascally unusable for pretty much anything other than running MSN Messenger, and it was even giving that issues.

And since the web was down, so was my blogging.

Regular blogging will resume after I get some sleep..... unless it flares up again.

Friday, August 25, 2006

When I get an idea, I work on it until it's done...

Which is probably why I'm posting this at 3:20 AM

Anywho, here's my idea I had:

And Pluto is REJECTED!!!

I also made a YTMND out of it, if you wish to check it out.

If you have a better idea for a sound effect, let me know in the comments.

Cross-posted at Through our eyes

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wow.... I thought it was next week

I look at the 'Stros schedule online.

And then look at my desk.

And it's then that I realize that this Friday Nickelback, Hooobastank, Chevelle, and Hinder are rocking the Toyota Center in Houston.

I thought that the concert was another week off.

Maybe it's good that I've been keeping the tickets on my desk.

Technorati Tags: Nickelback, Hoobastank, Chevelle, Hinder, concert, Toyota Center
Cross-posted at Through our eyes

Turnabout is fair play

I only being this up because K T Cat loves to bring these things up

I know I've said before that the score doesn't matter in NFL preseason games, but when you're being shut out 17-0 at the half the otherwise insignifigant score speaks volumes.

How's your confidence in the Saints now?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

He only talks because he's nervous.

(A response to this post)

I've always thought that a quiet confidence is the best way to handle a bet, only speaking up in response.

K T Cat, however, takes a different philosophy, trash-talking at every chance necessary. Probably because he's nervous, because nervous people tend to talk a lot.

Our Maximum Leader is really scrapping to find things to attempt to beat down my Texans with.

This time it's  ESPN's NFL power rankings, saying that I should wave the white flag because the Saints are ranked three slots higher than the Texans.

While we're at it, let's look at the Preseason AP Top 25 and declaring Ohio State the national champs.

And, plus, this is ESPN, the same network that makes up "trade rumors" (like we're really surprised anyways) and can't get enough of Yanks-Sox or T.O. Can you really take ANYTHING they say seriously???

Speaking of T.O., y'all play the Cowgirls on Monday Night Football. I'll have the game on and will certainly watch what the first-stringers do, since their time in is all that REALLY matters anyways.

I look forward to seeing the red and blue on your blog in January.

A series of tubes

As someone who knows the inner workings of the internet, I've felt for a while that it's something that the government should stay out of.

This is just a reminder why.

Congress, please regulate something you actually know something about.

Technorati Tags: internet, congress, The Daily Show, a series of tubes, Ted Stevens, incompetence
Cross-posted to, Through our eyes

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Craig Biggio got plunked in the top of the 5th by Brewers pitcher Ben Sheets.

There'll be more info over at Plunk Biggio...

Technorati Tags: Plunk Biggio, Craig biggio, Ben Sheets, Houston Astros, Milwaukee Brewers
Cross-posted at Through our eyes

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I promise you...

...not all people from the south are like this...

Just certain people from Louisiana...

Technorati Tags: Britney Spears, home video, south, Louisiana

Monday, August 14, 2006

I would SO buy Scott Van Pelt a beer

Van Pelt Last week, Deadspin had this interesting post up, a voicemail that ESPN SportsCenter anchor Scott Van Pelt left on a woman's cell phone.

Take a listen. To all of it. You'll need to to get the rest of this. It's safe for work, trust me.

Tonight, on the 10 PM CDT SportsCenter, he referenced the voicemail in his introduction of the Top 10 List for the night by saying something to the effect of.

Everything you're about to see has passed everything on my checklist. And it's a lengthy checklist.

As someone who appreciates self-deprecating humor, I'll buy the man a beer any time.

Technorati Tags: ESPN, SportsCenter, Scott Van Pelt, voicemail

Doomed? Hardly.

(A response to this post)

Bragging about a 19-16 preseason win, huh?

It's the preseason, the score doesn't matter. But if I did I'd point out that the Texans defeated the Chiefs 24-14.

Our defense was strong and the new Denver-style offense was looking good too.

Simply put, I'm not worried about it.

Let me know how they play Cleveland on September 10 when the games start to count.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Extending the olive branch... again

Bruiser will be assisting me in hosting the 130th edition of the Carnival of the Cats on September 17th. The previous edition of the CotC that we've hosted can be found here.

You know, I'd have a cat if I could, but we've got enough critters around here as it is.

FYI - This week's edition is up at Blog d'Elisson.

Technorati Tags: Carnival of the Cats

Testing Microsoft's new toy

 Microsoft just released the first beta for Windows Live Writer, a tool that brings WYSIWYG blog publishing to a whole new level.

Don't believe me, just check out this screenshot:

(Click for full size)

So far I'm liking it....... if I could just get a Technorati Tag plugin... And scroolbars. For some reason, the web layout isn't showing them for me for my blog, but it's showing them for Through our eyes.

UPDATE: One of the members of the dev team for the software left a comment about the scroll problem here. I've sent him an email with the stuff he asked for. We'll see what happens.

Technorati Tags: Windows Live Writer
Cross-posted to Through out eyes

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bruiser missed y'all

Yea, I know, I've been slacking off on the dogblogging lately.

A lot.

Anywho, I'm back to doing it, so rejoice!!!

And Bruiser's happy too

Honestly, as long as these silly humans feed me, I could care less if I'm on your blog or not.

Good, because I'd just tell ya "tough" if you had a problem with it.

Don't forget to check out The Friday Ark over at The Modulator.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,

Friday, August 11, 2006

Could you spare a couple???

From the comments to the last post:

Could you guys loan some runs to the Padres?  We've been losing a bunch of one run games lately.

Maybe after y'all leave Houston on Sunday ;)

Technorati Tags: , ,

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

OK guys, y'all can save a little

The Astros are up 10-0.

After three.

Y'all can save a little for tomorrow, guys.

Really, is it just me or do they seem to not be able to score for anything the night after one of these kinds of outbursts?

Technorati Tags: , ,
Cross-posted to Through our eyes

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Quick question...

What's my ex-girlfriend doing to this boot?


PARIS - Earlier today it was announced that Tour de France winner Floyd Landis' "B" sample tested positive for both excess and synthetic testosterone.

Landis' camp released a statement saying "The French are simply trying to catch Floyd ridin' dirty."

The statement went on to say that "You have to remember something about the French. To them, any amount of testosterone is an excess, and since it doesn't occur naturally in their bodies it has to be synthetic. We intend to prove this in the appeals process and have his name cleared."

The appeals process could take six months.

Technorati Tags: , , ,

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


My Texans tickets came in today. Finally.

This is my first year as a season ticket holder, but I've been told that this is by far the latest they've been sent out.

Anywho, if you're curious, here's what my tickets and parking pass look like:

Their first preseason game is next saturday night and the regular season opens up in September. I'm looking for them to go about 8-8 this year IF the offensive line can hold up.

Maybe playoffs next year.

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Cross-posted to Through our eyes