Sunday, August 30, 2009

I really should stop doing quizzes meant for women.

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

Girl… or woman?

You Are A Woman!
Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood.
You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.
You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.
This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wife!

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Announcing The Panel

Today I’m officially launching a new blog.

It’s called The Panel, and it basically consists of myself and a handful of my Twitter friends answering questions on a wide variety of issues.

Today’s first post is on who our five favorite Twitter follows are.

Come by, have a look, and stick around. I’m hoping to be posting a couple questions a week once things really get rolling.

And, yes, this is that project I hinted at last week when I killed off “Discuss Amongst Yourselves.”

Jack in the Box… on it’s side.

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

This photo is OLD. I mean, it’s so old that it was shot on film. Really. It’s from before I got a digital camera.

This is a picture I took during my first trip back into Beaumont after Hurricane Rita in 2005:


I’d heard about the Jack in the Box sign crushing the SUV, so I had to go by and see it for myself.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

One-question quizzes are always interesting…

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

The question: What’s the last digit of your address?

Your Address Says You're Adventurous
Right now, your life is at a crossroads - and you're open to taking any path.
You feel inspired, passionate, and driven.

At your best, you are flexible, creative, and energetic.
At your worst, you are indecisive and confused.

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Friday, August 21, 2009

blogging will be light

blogging will be light because of a lightning strike that's caused all sorts of problems with wiring at my place. It's a mess... see y'all whenever it's fixed.

Hurricane Humberto: The day after

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

Humberto, if y’all don’t remember, was the hurricane that kind of caught us off guard.

Well, this is what the nearby college’s parking lot looked like.


Limbs. Everywhere. Of course, they already had people out cleaning it up as I walked over there to look.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My take on chivalry

[My response to this question, which I posed on Monday.]

It’s a very simple take, really. It only requires one sentence that says it all. Here goes:

How can chivalry be dead if I’m practicing it?

On a semi-related note, I might be killing off this feature soon and replacing it with a better idea I got earlier this week.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

LOLdog of the day: Horseplay

Horses? Horses?

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

Oh, them.

Twister comes to Beaumont

Yes, you heard me right. We had a tornado roar through Beaumont yesterday afternoon.

I’m fine, the tornado was on the other side of town, probably a good 10 miles away.

Thankfully there were no major injuries, just some people with cuts and scrapes.

Here are some photos. Check them out… it’s pretty amazing.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Discuss Amongst Yourselves: Can chivalry say “I’m not dead yet!” or not?

thekissI’ve decided to give this feature a second run. Here’s my question for this week:

Is chivalry dead or simply endangered?

Discuss amongst yourselves, I’ll post my thoughts Wednesday or Thursday.

[Photo via]

Sunday, August 16, 2009

In which I find out I’m something that would probably help me lose weight if I actually did it more.

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

You Are Walking
You are a calm, peaceful person. You truly enjoy life.
You are very down to earth and grounded. You are not easily upset.

More than other people, you are able to really stop and smell the roses.
You take things at your own speed. You realize that life is a journey, not a race.

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ah, the view…

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

Another one I’ve run before, but the smaller size didn’t do justice:

june lake trip 004

I’m going to miss this view, since my cousin sold the lake house earlier this year.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Closing the door: My take

As y’all will remember, on Monday I asked if you close the bathroom door when you’re the only one around. I got two more responses than I thought I would…

I’ve decided to share my take, this will also be a part of this new feature I’m playing with.

My answer: usually, but not always.

I mostly close the door out of a force of habit, but occasionally I won’t. Probably just out of sheer laziness.

Oh, and yes, big credit to Houston for giving us the priceless line “bombing porcelain harbor.” That line just reeks of WIN!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Discuss Amongst Yourselves: Closing the door?

  Basin And Toilet
  Free photos for websites -

I want to try a new feature, though I don’t know how regular it will be. I’m calling it “Discuss Amongst Yourselves.”

Basically, I’ll throw out a random, usually-offbeat topic for discussion and open the comments to discuss said topic. This could be interesting, or it could be a massive blow-up. We’ll just have to see.

Anyway, here’s the first topic:

If you’re the only one in the house/apartment, do you close the door when you go to the bathroom? Why?

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

…or you could just ask anybody I know and they’d tell you the same thing

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

You Are Low Maintenance
Compared to most people, you are incredibly easy going.
To be honest, you are truly a breath of fresh air.

You are open minded about trying new things, and you're not upset when things don't work out.
You are willing to go along to get along. And your attitude helps you truly enjoy life!

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Random Thoughts: It’s like Twitter, but without that pesky 140 character limit!

Yes, I decided to do one of these. I figured I should post something substantial for once.

  • Concerning all the well-dressed, swastika-wielding astroturfers at these town hall meetings. I should have listened to my better judgment when it said to leave the swastika in my car, but I do not regret wearing that tuxedo to the meeting! And, yea, I should have picked out a better toupee… it’s too obvious.
  • Why do local advertisers always pick women with nasally or incredibly high-pitched voices to narrate their commercials. I swear, nails scratching a chalkboard would be better to hear than the women in their ads. At least they’re pretty. Maybe that’s why they’re picked.
  • Met a girl, thought she was grand, fell in love, found out first hand… (NSFW/audio warning)
  • So they DDoS-ed Twitter yesterday and it was down for a few hours. As a Twitter veteran who remembers the times when it was down seemingly more than it was up, I have this to say: Twitter downtime still sucks.
  • My first experience with Twitter downtime was disheartening… it was right after I signed up. I’d thought I’d broken it. In fact, I did a blog post about it
  • Looking back and reading that post, I can’t help but think one thing. Damn, I had a lot of angry/bitter vibes going on. I really do try to not be so angry and bitter… now, at least.
  • I wonder why I was so angry and bitter… hm…
  • I’d go back and delete blog posts that are angry or bitter or whatever, but I’ve got a feeling that I’d end up deleting whole months. I know myself.

And I’m spent…

Coming home

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

Bruiser went to the vet this week. I shot this with my cell on the way home.

Can’t say I cared for that kitten…

There was a cage set up in the reception at our vet’s office with a sign that said “free kittens.” Bruiser walked over to take a look, and as he extended his nose to give it a sniff, one tried to claw him.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Army man

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

This is one of those Facebook quizzes.

Army man
Here’s a link to the quiz on Facebook.

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.