Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Last week, I made a lasagna recipe I found on the internets.

Here’s the recipe.

I’d never seen lasagna where you rolled the noodles before, but it was really quite interesting.

The only thing that seemed weird about the whole thing is that it didn’t have a tomato sauce in it.

It didn’t matter, it was still really good.

We had enough of the spinach mix left over that I’m going to try making it again with that and using spaghetti sauce instead of making the white sauce the recipe calls for and seeing how that turns out.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My personal battery… or something…

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

Your Energy Level is Moderate
For you, life is all about balance. You keep active, but you rest a lot too.
You have enough vigor to get everything done... with a little left over for some fun.

You find that you have plenty of energy, as long as you give yourself time to recharge.
But if you don't take care of yourself, you notice that your energy levels really plummet.

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Opening day fades into opening night

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

Another from Opening Day 2006:

IMG_0044 Stitch

This is actually two photos that I stitched together using Windows Live Photo Gallery. It was as simple as selecting the photos and clicking on “Create panoramic photo.”

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Light blogging haiku

Lazy blogger here
Mind has been on other things
Haven’t felt like it

I spent Monday and Tuesday up at the lake helping my cousin move stuff out of her lake house that she just sold.

Since I got back, I just haven’t felt like blogging. Not quite sure why.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Less geeky than I thought…

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Sites

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I hate to brag, but…

After the first round of the NCAA’s has been completed, my bracket is rocking.

I’m 27 for 32, which places me in the 99th percentile for all of Yahoo.

15 of my Sweet 16 teams are still alive.

Just don’t ask me what I did right… I’m not even sure.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Baseball season is coming

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

Since baseball season is starting soon, I’ve decided to use a few of my baseball shots that I have lying around.


That’s from opening day 2006, when Jeff Bagwell was introduced for his last opening day, greeting the team as he’s introduced.

I plan to have more baseball shots in the weeks to come.

WIN of the day

I don’t consider this to be a FAIL:

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

I’ve always joked that I wasn’t a morning person because it was too early to drink…

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Curves can be good sometimes, but other times they’re just silly

Yesterday I was at a local park that they’re in the process of renovating.

Part of the renovations included new paved walkways.

I noticed the old ones were fairly straight, but all the new ones kind of wind through the park.

Don’t get me wrong, I love curves. I love curves on a woman and a fast road, just not on my walkways that would be just fine perfectly straight.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Finding normal

Monday my grandmother went to her bone doc for another checkup.

Her wrist is completely healed now, but she needs some more physical therapy to get back all her strength in the wrist.

She’s gained a lot in the past month, but she still has trouble with a few things.

Half of the battle, as you can imagine, is getting her to trust that wrist again. She’s still a little scared of doing things with it sometimes…

…so I make her do it.

She has to get over her fear of things somehow, and I don’t know a better way than that.

Things are getting back to normal. Thankfully, that also means that I can cook things that she had trouble eating earlier.

So I’m making a pot of chicken spaghetti on Thursday.

Maybe I’ll share the recipe sometime soon.

LOLcat of the day

I’ve had this happen before…

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

…but then I had another beer and it was all good.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Updated: It’s tourney time!

And since it’s tourney time, I’ve decided to set up a pick’em group for all my readers/twitter followers/anybody on Yahoo.

It’s group number 79572 and you don’t need a password. You can sign up here.

The group’s set up with a progressive scoring system with a bonus for picking upsets. The details are below:

Round Pick Value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6

All upset picks are worth a 1-point bonus.

The winner gets my undying love… or something else of no real value whatsoever.

Hi, my name is Justin and I’m a blogaholic

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Pi Day!

140px-Pi-symbol.svg Happy Pi Day!

(Notice what time this posted. Yea, I’m THAT bored.)

In which Taffy tells me to shoot some fresh pictures of her

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

Taffy again:

dogs 043You really need to stop using these pictures from Gustav, Justin. Shoot some fresh ones!

I’ll admit, I’ve been lazy… but I’ll shoot some new ones within the next week.

LOLdog of the day: One of the advantages to living in the south…

…is that you don’t have to worry about scenes like this:

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We just might get there in time after all…

Johann Sebastian Bach A few weeks ago at church we started diving into Crucifixus from Bach’s Mass in B Minor.

You can give it a listen here. Sorry, couldn’t find a recording with an audio track I liked on YouTube.

It’s got to be one of the dreariest tunes I’ve heard… and one of the hardest I’ve sung.

We’re aiming to do it on Palm Sunday… if we can get it sounding good enough in time.

We’d been spending time on sections of it, but last night we sang the whole thing through for the first time. It was kind of shaky at times, but I think we’ll get that kicked out of it in time.

If we don’t have them kicked out, we’ll just not do it.

Video fail of the day

There’s a reason I refuse to use these:

That, of course, comes from FAIL blog

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I have found the secret…

…to not letting little kids that you’re watching wear you out.

Yesterday I was babysitting a one-year-old at church while his grandmother was in a meeting. Cute kid, behaves wonderfully.

Last month, his grandmother told me to wear him out so they could both nap when they got home. Of course, in the process, I ended up wearing myself out and taking a nap of my own.

This time I was smart. I took a more laid back approach and trying to conserve my energy.

It worked.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Not sure if I should even post this one

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

How Many 90 Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?
Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site

Kind of pathetic, I think…

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Such a lady

Welcome to Friday Photo, a new feature where I share photos that I've taken with the world.

This week, we have Taffy:

dogs 036I’m so dignified!

Of course you are!

PS. Did you know this is the 75th installment of Friday Photo?

PPS. Did you know that the tagline up top still says that it’s a ‘new’ feature? Because it does, and I don’t plan on changing it anytime soon.

PPPS. Maybe I’ll change it after the 100th edition. Or maybe I’ll do like Laurence did with “Ask the Cats” and just keep on calling it new until the end of time.

Video of the day: Change

More from Guitar Guy:

See yesterday’s post for more info.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Either SiteMeter’s lying or this guy is… and I don’t think it’s SiteMeter

I got an email earlier today from a guy who wanted to do a link exchange.

In the email, he claimed that he’s added the blog already and goes on to say this:

By looking at my stats, it looks like today I have sent you 10 visitors but it may change by the time you receive this email.

So, out of curiosity, I check my SiteMeter.

No referrals from his address.

Nevermind the fact that I didn’t see a link to me on the site

Moral of the story: If you want to exchange links, don’t make a bullshit claim. It’ll just get you mocked.

Video of the day: Guitar Guy

Last night I went to see Jeff Dunham and Brian Haner (a.k.a. Guitar Guy) opened for him.

This is probably the song that got the greatest reaction:


More coming tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Not so fast…

I’d said after Ike that I was going to move to Fort Worth.

After a lot of thought, I’ve decided not to.

While Fort Worth doesn’t have hurricanes, they do have tornadoes.

Sometimes, big ones. Like the F3 that ripped through downtown in 2000.

With major hurricanes, you usually get enough warning that you’re able to get the hell out of dodge.

Tornadoes aren’t so accommodating, only giving you time to hunker yourself down if you’re lucky.

I think I’ll take my chances with the hurricanes.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I wish she’d just kept her mouth shut

I took my grandmother to a late breakfast yesterday morning. She’d gotten up early yesterday morning (like before 5) when my little brother woke her up and said something to the tune of “I think I’ve got appendicitis, I need to go to the ER.”

They went, and he was right. They caught it early, so it wasn’t anything terribly serious. He’s had it removed and will hopefully be coming home today.

I stayed home because things had to be taken care of, then got up to the hospital about 10:30. My grandmother hadn’t eaten yet, so we planned to go grab a bite in a little while.

When my cousin got there we told him we were going to head out and grab a bite to eat.

While we were chowing down on Breakfast, my grandmother (who, I remind you, broke her wrist in January) said “2009 has just been a bad year for us.”

Now I’m wondering what’s going to happen to me…

Of course, I’m just worrying too much. Right?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Get more out of Twhirl

Twitter’s @donthorp, after a conversation with @GadgetVirtuoso, blogged a hack to TweetDeck that allows your Twitter timeline to be updated more frequently without sacrificing reply requests.

It clicked that the same hack could work in Twhirl, my Twitter client of choice.

The newest version of Twhirl is set up to allow Twitter Search to automatically search for replies. And since Twitter Search doesn’t count against the API limits, it’s essentially a “free” request.

It’s easy to set up too.

  1. Click on the wrench icon near the top right corner of your Twhirl window.
  2. Click on the Network tab.
  3. Change the two settings within the red boxes to the values shown:
  4. Click Save.

Now you’ll recieve all your replies and get your DM’s and Tweets more frequently.

But math ain’t my strong suit…

Welcome to Stupid Quiz Sunday, in which I'll take an online quiz that may or may not be stupid and post the results.

This week, we enter the magical world of office supplies

You Are a Calculator
No matter what someone tells you, you're likely to focus on facts and data.
You're a highly analytic person. You are only concerned with what you can know for sure.

You look at situations objectively, and you have no problem approaching problems from multiple angles.
You would make a good analyst or investment banker. You are confident enough to make tough calls and hard decisions.

Have you taken this quiz? Have a quiz you want me to take? Leave a link in the comments.