I’ve always heard that everything happens for a reason, but I wasn’t sure if I always believed it.
As most of y’all probably know, I up and moved to Phoenix about five months back.
Well, this story begins long before that.
If it wasn’t for a lightning strike that hit the pole outside our house in Beaumont and sent everything haywire.
It, of course, happened on a Friday so we were stuck with dealing with most everything being wonky all weekend. Which sucked, but Twitter’s @jpenaz sent me a direct message that said to text her if I got bored or miserable or whatever. So I did…
And, from that, a friendship grew and turned into a relationship that grew into me coming out just after Christmas. Which was a great trip that convinced me just how amazing a woman Jennifer is.
That led to my coming back in April, which led to my staying here and getting my job with SUPPORTCO, which I enjoy most of the time.
Last month I got myself back to Texas to get my stuff, and I went to see my eye doctor while I was there… finding out that I had a pretty big problem going on with them, so they referred me to a doctor in the Phoenix area to go to. I called and got an appointment scheduled with him the next week.
I met the new doctor the next week and I’m now convinced that I’m way better off going to see him than seeing the old doctor I was seeing in Houston. I’ve got nothing but confidence in Dr. Rabinowitz, who not only explained the situation to me in way more detail than my previous doctor, but made me feel pretty good about it. He simply told it to me like it is.
For now, medicine’s holding my condition in check, but I’ll almost surely need to have surgery done for it someday and I can honestly say that I’ve got nothing but a ton of faith in the doctors I’m seeing now… something I couldn’t say before.
Everything happens for a reason. I believe that now.