Here goes:
- Today I got an envelope from GEICO. It had FOUR insurance ID cards for the new PT Cruiser. Oddly enough, those four cards were for my current policy term which ends Saturday and not the new one which I've already made my first payment on. Seems kinda crazy, doesn't it?
- Chrysler and GM have the buttons on their car remotes in reverse order. You wouldn't believe how many times I've locked my car when I want to unlock it.
- Apparently the PT's previous owner had a habit of occasionally cruising through the EZ Tag lanes on Houston tollways without a tag, so I've got to show them a bill of sale that I bought the car before they'll let me get a tag for it.
- Speaking of Houston, I'm thinking I'm gonna go over tomorrow. I've got nothing better to do. Go to my mom's, see the puppies, get taken to lunch, and goodness knows what else.
- I started reading The Godfather last night. Not really far enough into it yet to say much about the book, but considering that it's my favorite movie I should love the book too.
- I was called over to a lady's house to look at her computer. She said her printer's not working. The problem: Dry black cartridge.
- That little prediction I made isn't looking so hot right now. Thank goodness I said I wouldn't post those naked pictures.
- Jim Thompson hails Xenu on Twitter. I wonder who I should hail...
- The Wildcatters haven't quite figured out their mail merge system for emails yet apparently. I got an email from them last week that started off with "Hey First Name!" I simply replied that I felt so loved.
- Speaking of them, I picked up my season tickets today. They had a get together for us at Rio Rita's (a local Mexican restaurant)where we could have picked them up, but I decided to pass because their food sucks. They obviously are using a different printer, since they came in big sheets instead of a book. I thought the book was more convenient
- I hate that I have to install QuickTime to get MP3's to work in Firefox. I hate it more that the damn thing nags me to install iTunes too.
- I. Love. Tweetr. Best Twitter app I've ever tried out.
And that's all I feel like saying.
I am SO outta here!
1 comment:
What? You AREN'T taking your clothes off?
In that case LOSE TEXANS! LOSE!
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