Sunday, December 02, 2007

Making good

The Texans lost today, meaning that there'll be no way they go 10-6.

Now I have to make good on what I said, so here goes. Don't worry, I THINK it's safe for work.


Hey, it was cold!!!

So... uh... does this satisfy the requirements of the final meme? If so, then I tag Jenny because she's the only person I can think of that might actually be crazy enough to do it.


Amanda Travers said...

Dammit, I stuck around to see that and get this? False advertising :P

Tots said...

You are truely a man of your word. It was obviously very, very, very cold. Very cold.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Ha! Well I'm half naked on my blog today. That should half count, right?

Justin said...

@Houston - Very, very cold.

@Jenny - I'll have to think about that for a while.