Tuesday, May 01, 2007

METRO, Astros announce 'Stranded at the Ballpark' nights

(Crossposted from METRO IFOC)

Minute Maid Park

METRO, who always tells the truth, even when they lie, today announced a partnership with the Astros for "Stranded at the Ballpark" nights.

"Yea, it's really cool," said METRO spokeswoman Raquetball Roberts. "If the Astros strand more than 10 runners on base, we're going to stop all service within three miles of Minute Maid park so that anybody relying on our service will be stuck at the ballpark until the next day when service will resume."

"We were planning on providing sleeping bags but we would have had to dip into the 'old man' fund" said Astros owner Drayton McLane.

McLane went on to explain that the old man fund is the money kept back for Roger Clemens should he decide to get off of his ass and pitch with the Astros this season.

"Granted things aren't looking too good with the team's performance right now but I'm still holding out hope," said McLane.

Normally I wouldn't crosspost something from over there, but I thought this one was appropriate given the Astros struggles.

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

Where's your blog post about the Texans' draft?