Looking at Ike today, it looks about the same as last night.
Since I last wrote about Ike, the forecast track has shifted up the coast a bit. We're still on the edge of the cone.
As of now, there's no planned evacuation of the area, but that could change if it goes more to the north.
My gut feeling is that we won't need to pack up and head out, since the NHC has a pretty good track record with forecasting storms like Ike.
We should have a better idea what we're looking at tomorrow.
I swear, having to deal with this stuff twice in such a short span has really got me wanting to move away from the coast.
I hate this stuff.
Technorati Tags: Ike
1 comment:
Yowza! I just checked out Weather Underground and it looks like a direct hit on you. We stand ready to guest blog and will throw a few extra prayers your way.
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