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I'm making some changes around here.
As you can see, I've gone to a new template. I like this design more and it works better with some of the other features I've added.
Like the star ratings system, where you can rate the posts. Decided to kill that one because it looked a little funny with this template
And the biggest one would be the embedded comment form.
That's right, the comment form is now on the permalink page. It's still a little screwy, as the feature's in beta, but it does all the things that the old one did, although it's a little different.
Of course, there are still a few things to take care of:
Edit the CSS so the font for the posts and stuff is bigger. It's a little on the small side as it is.(done)Add the code forselective expandable posts.Changed my mind on this one, gonna go without.Make a new button and favicon.(done)
And that's all I can think of, but I'm sure I'll figure out more as I go along.
Love the new look!
Nice looking blog template. What do you call this one?
It's a three-column version of Rounders 2 that I found and modified even more to my liking.
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